• Refined Palm Oil

    Refined Palm Oil

    Refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm oil is obtained from refining crude palm oil. It is a light yellow liquid and semi-solid at room temperature, melting to a clear yellow liquid on slight heating.

    RBD palm oil is used as frying oil for food industries such as instant noodles and snack food. It can also be used to manufacture margarine, shortening, ice cream, condensed milk and soap.

  • Refined Corn Oil

    Corn oil

    Corn oil is a refined vegetable oil widely used in cooking and especially deep frying. It also has many other applications and is commonly used for industrial purposes or as an ingredient in cosmetics.Corn oil must go through an extensive refining process to be extracted from corn. It’s most commonly used as a frying oil due to its high smoke point but also has industrial applications.

    During the process of extracting corn oil from corn, many vitamins and minerals are lost. Still, the oil has a fair amount of vitamin E.

    Corn oil is 100% fat and provides 122 calories per tablespoon (15 ml). It’s mostly made of polyunsaturated omega-6 fats and contains some vitamin E.

    Corn oil is high in anti-inflammatory phytosterols and other compounds that may help reduce certain heart disease risk factors, such as LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol.

    Corn oil is high in inflammatory omega-6 fats and made from GMO corn. It’s also highly refined and produces harmful acrylamide when heated.

  • Rapeseed Oil

    Rapeseed oil
    Rapeseed oil is high in unsaturated fats and vitamins E and K. It contains a beneficial ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats, which can positively influence heart health.

  • Peanut Oil

    Peanut Oil
    Peanut oil is a popular oil that is commonly used in cooking, especially when frying foods. Peanut oil, also referred to as groundnut oil or arachis oil, is a vegetable-derived oil made from the edible seeds of the peanut plant.

  • Olive Oil

    Olive oil

    Olive oil, oil extracted from the fleshy part of the ripened fruit of the olive tree. Olive oil varies in colour from clear yellow to golden; some varieties obtained from unripe fruit have a greenish tinge. Oils of varying characteristics and qualities are produced by almost every country that grows olives, the variations depending on the district and the ripeness of the fruit.

  • Crude Palm Oil

    Palm oil
    Palm oil is edible oil which is extracted from the pulp of fruit of oil palms. The color of pulp is red. That’s why crude palm oil is naturally similar to pulp color because of high inactive vitamin A content. It is different from kernel oil or coconut oil. Commonly it is combined or mixed with coconut oil to make highly saturated vegetable fat, which is also used for cooking purposes.

    Main use of CPO is for cooking purposes and is largely used in South-East Asia, West Africa and some parts of Brazil. Commercial kitchens use it due to its low cost. It’s not as healthy as its counterparts due to high content of saturated fats. It is also used for making bio diesel and one of it’s by products is Glycerin.

  • Crude Corn Oil

    Crude corn oil
    Crude corn oil is extracted from corn germ by squeezing or steeping with solvent.

    Full of fragrant scent and nutrition and with a typical corn flavor, it can serve as the refined raw material for margarine, salad and edible oil.

  • Canola Oil

    Canola Oil
    Canola oil is a vegetable oil derived from a variety of rapeseed that is low in erucic acid, as opposed to colza oil. There are both edible and industrial forms produced from the seed of any of several cultivars of the plant family Brassicaceae.

  • Almond Oil

    Almond oil

    Almond oil is an excellent source of vitamin E and contains a small amount of vitamin K.

    Most of the health benefits related to almond oil stem from its high amount of healthy fats.
    Almonds are the edible seeds of the Prunus dulcis tree, more commonly known as the almond tree.

    Although almonds are commonly referred to as nuts, they’re actually the seeds found at the center of the almond fruit, which closely resembles a peach.

    Almonds can be consumed whole, ground into flour and even made into non-dairy milk.

    They are very rich in fat, making them a perfect source of oil.

    Sweet almonds are the variety typically eaten and used to make foods, oils and cosmetics.

    Meanwhile, bitter almonds are believed to have medicinal properties, though they can be toxic if they’re not properly processed. Moreover, they’re not widely available.

  • Alfalfa Hay

    Alfalfa Hay


    Color: Green

    Packaging: Cardboard

    The boxes can also double up as hay feeder or hay bedding for baby rabbits as our Alfalfa is super tender and soft to sleep in.

    With little to no dust, this large box of rabbit hay will come you a long way and keep your baby pet healthy and happy.
    Quality Alfalfa Hay for Animal Feeding Stuff/hay cubes/alfalfa hay and cubes
    alfalfa hay is an excellent source of good quality protein and fiber. Alfalfa is legume hay and times called “lucerne”. These hays are higher in protein and minerals and are more palatable than grass hays. Alfalfa is particularly high in energy and is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. When properly cured, alfalfa is the best of the legume hays from a nutrient standpoint. It has the most feed value of all the perennial pasture forages. Alfalfa is used for horses, dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep, chickens, turkeys, and other farm animals.



    Copper Wire Scrap, (Millberry) 99.78% at a purity of 99.78% Min. 99.78% Max.
    COPPER: 99, 9% CARBON: 0.03% COBLET: <0, 001 IRON: 0, 005% PHOSPHORUS: <0, 01% SULPHUR: <0, 01% ZINC: 0, 003% Brass Wire With Diameter 0.1. 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30mm COMMODITY: Copper Wire Scrap, (Millberry) 99.78% SPECIFICATIONS: Copper Wire Scrap, (Millberry) 99.78%


    We are trading and suppliers of copper scraps.We supply various copper scraps such as copper wire scraps,copper millberry scraps,copper ingot scraps etc.We offer the copper scraps at very competitive prices and the delivery is prompt. We pack the copper scraps loose in 20 or 40 ft containers or as per buyers request. We also supply copper cathode, aluminum ingot, aluminum alloy ingot, zinc ingot.

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